This Mama Travels

12:19 pm 12:19 pm

Carry On Essentials for kids

2022-03-28T15:43:46+00:00This Mama Travels|Comments Off on Carry On Essentials for kids

In my evolution as a mom who travels, I've started to make the conscience effort to pack light. Not only do luggage fees add up for a family of 5, but I've learnt that taking the extra time to plan and pack can save us from [...]

7:09 pm 7:09 pm

Why You Should Take Your Kids to India

2020-09-17T19:31:05+00:00This Mama Travels|Comments Off on Why You Should Take Your Kids to India

Have you ever wanted to visit India? To be honest, it wasn't high on my list to travel to as a parent. But then I heard the stories....the stories of gorgeous Goan beaches stretching along the Arabian sea, of the emerald backwaters of Kerala, the [...]

6:22 pm 6:22 pm

Postcards from Punjab

2020-09-17T19:31:10+00:00This Mama Travels|4 Comments

First Impressions of Harmandir SahibParents all wish great things for their children. For them to do better and be better than us. To dream big and to achieve anything their heart desires. Along this journey, we want to show them the world to help foster [...]

8:55 pm 8:55 pm

What to buy from India

2022-03-28T15:43:56+00:00This Mama Travels, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What to buy from India

Shopping is fun, but shopping while travelling is even more fun! But it can be challenging trying to buy something that is authentic and special to that place.  It's easy to buy key chains, postcards and even pick up local art, but sometimes this mama [...]

1:02 am 1:02 am

Udaipur: A real life fairytale

2020-09-17T19:31:09+00:00This Mama Travels|Comments Off on Udaipur: A real life fairytale

I am a terrible liar. I can't say with any ounce of truth that I am ok with roughing it. I'm not. I have zero interest in camping, in sleeping on the ground in a tent, or even sleeping in anything less than a 4 [...]

3:45 pm 3:45 pm

Souvenirs: Keepsakes or Clutter?

2022-03-22T21:10:30+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Souvenirs: Keepsakes or Clutter?

Motherhood is all about making memories (well that and some days basic survival!).  When we travel, we want to pick up some special souvenirs to remember those memories. But life with kids usually means - CLUTTER! We already have so many crafts, toys, socks, books, [...]

9:32 pm 9:32 pm

Napa: Check the Mom Guilt

2022-03-22T21:06:27+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Napa: Check the Mom Guilt

                      One of the hardest things about travelling without my kids isn't always who will watch them (thank you eager grandparents!!) but the mom guilt that goes along with it. Any place I visit my brain [...]

3:21 pm 3:21 pm

Girls Trip

2022-03-22T21:06:27+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Girls Trip

Central Park, New York CityHey Mama!! Take the that trip. You know which one I'm talking about. The one where you don't have to lug around a diaper bag or pack 10,000 stickers and 5,000 snacks and juice boxes.  The one where you aren't worrying about [...]

4:38 pm 4:38 pm

Panama City

2022-03-22T21:07:42+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Panama City

I just might be a really cool hip, in-the-know kind of mom. Or maybe I've got special psychic powers that I need to foster for world domination. Or maybe I'm just clueless and a little lucky? Yeah that's probably the most accurate one. Panama has [...]

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