2:08 pm 2:08 pm

6 reasons to visit Prince Edward Island

2022-03-22T20:59:11+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on 6 reasons to visit Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island is one of the three maritime provinces in Canada and also the smallest province being about 5,620 km2 in  in size  and is the world's 104th largest island. Nothing remarkable about these statistics, so then why head to this small Canadian island? Lots of [...]

7:02 pm 7:02 pm

How to spend 3 days in Santorini

2022-03-22T20:59:29+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on How to spend 3 days in Santorini

Megalochori StreetsSantorini truly is a bucket list destination. But when you think of the Greek island, the first image that comes to mind is of blue domed white buildings, and while those can be found around the island, it's usually the town of Oia (pronounced [...]

3:45 pm 3:45 pm

Souvenirs: Keepsakes or Clutter?

2022-03-22T21:10:30+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Souvenirs: Keepsakes or Clutter?

Motherhood is all about making memories (well that and some days basic survival!).  When we travel, we want to pick up some special souvenirs to remember those memories. But life with kids usually means - CLUTTER! We already have so many crafts, toys, socks, books, [...]

9:32 pm 9:32 pm

Napa: Check the Mom Guilt

2022-03-22T21:06:27+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Napa: Check the Mom Guilt

                      One of the hardest things about travelling without my kids isn't always who will watch them (thank you eager grandparents!!) but the mom guilt that goes along with it. Any place I visit my brain [...]

3:21 pm 3:21 pm

Girls Trip

2022-03-22T21:06:27+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Girls Trip

Central Park, New York CityHey Mama!! Take the that trip. You know which one I'm talking about. The one where you don't have to lug around a diaper bag or pack 10,000 stickers and 5,000 snacks and juice boxes.  The one where you aren't worrying about [...]

4:38 pm 4:38 pm

Panama City

2022-03-22T21:07:42+00:00This Mama Travels, Travel|Comments Off on Panama City

I just might be a really cool hip, in-the-know kind of mom. Or maybe I've got special psychic powers that I need to foster for world domination. Or maybe I'm just clueless and a little lucky? Yeah that's probably the most accurate one. Panama has [...]

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