I’m sharing what to pack for one week in Italy. This is all what I took with me – all in my carry on. Spoiler alert – I think I still overpacked!
The question may not be what to pack for one week in Italy, but how to pack it. I promise I have no special luggage or even any particular strategy when it comes to packing. Although I do like the roll method of my clothes, it’s not really the strategy that works. What works for me is planning.
Yep, this is how I plan for packing on any trip:
- I figure out what my basic itinerary for the trip will be. This means, what activities will I be doing? Are there are black tie events that I may need a ball gown for? Am I walking on cobblestone streets in 30 degrees heat? Are we dining out at Michelin starred restaurants every night or mostly just stopping off at local cafes or cooking meals in our air bnb?
- I do a little research about how women dress where I am going. After all when in Rome…well you know. But also, it’s helpful to know what cultural norms places have when travelling in order to be respectful. For example, in Rome if you are visiting the Vatican or any Basilica then it’s respectful to have your shoulders and legs until your knees covered. Knowing this means that I’ll pack a lightweight cardigan that I can bring with me.
- I try on all my clothes. The full on outfits, complete with shoes and accessories. I try it all on two days before the trip to make sure I feel good in my clothes and to avoid any surprises when I’m there.
- I also have a rule: make sure each item can be worn 3 different ways. Yes repeat your clothes!

These white pants from Aritzia and this Green shirt from Zara can be worn over 6 different ways. Make sure everything you pack can be worn multiple ways, and be ok with repeating outfits. Take the time to plan out how each item can be worn before you go so you’ll spend less time worrying about what to wear and more time taking in the sights.
For similar items to what I packed you can follow me on LTK or check my shop page here on the blog!